These photos were really made by phone. Here are the winners of the iPhone Photography Awards 2019

The iPhone Photography Awards is one of my absolutely favorite photo contests. Every year, talented creators show the potential of mobile photography. Here are the best pictures of 2019.

The iPhone Photography Awards 2019 (IPPAWARDS 2019) is the twelfth edition of the largest mobile photography competition in the world, but only under the sign of a bitten apple. Only photos made with an iPhone or iPad can be submitted to the competition.

IPPAWARDS is a mobile competition not only because of the equipment. You can submit edited photos to the competition, but only in the applications available on the iPad and iPhone. This record is becoming more and more controversial in the era of iPad Pro and desktop-class software, including Affinity Photo and upcoming full Photoshop for iPad.

Several thousand photos from 140 countries were submitted to the competition, and they competed in 18 categories. The winners of each category received iPads Pro and Apple Watche.

Here are the best photos from the iPhone in 2019.

Grand Prize - Photographer of the year - Gabriella Cigliano

iPhone X

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Photographer of the year - Diego Lage

iPhone SE

iphone photography awards 2019

Second place - Photographer of the year - Yuliya Ibraeva

iPhone 7 Plus

iphone photography awards 2019

Third place - Photographer of the year - Peng Hao

iPhone X

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Abstraction - Jiangying Guo

iPhone 7 Plus

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Animals - Diego Lage

iPhone SE

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Architecture - Kuanglong Zhang

iPhone X

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Children - Neri Rivas

iPhone XS

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Vegetation - Dan Liu

iPhone XS Max

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Landscape - Hsueh Isan

iPhone SE

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Lifestyle - Biao Peng

iPhone 6S

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Nature - Huei Jiuan Wang

iPhone 6

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Current events - Lianyu Lu

iPhone 6S

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Other - Sari Sutton

iPhone X

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Panorama - Vincent Chen

iPhone X

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - People - Wei Xiong

iPhone X

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Portrait - Mona Jumaan

iPhone 7 Plus

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Series - Carol Allen Storey

iPhone 8

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Still life - Clarita Phiri Beierdoerffer

iPhone SE

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Sunset - Sreekumar Krishnan

iPhone 6S

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Journey - Liu Bo

iPhone 8 Plus

iphone photography awards 2019

First place - Trees - Christian Helwig

iPhone 6S

iphone photography awards 2019

The Poles have not won any awards this time, but we have many awards.

Here is a list of the distinguished authors from Poland:

  • Jakub Pasierkiewicz (categories: Abstraction and Architecture),
  • Waldemar Błażej Nowak (Architecture category),
  • Arkadiusz Durczewski (Children category),
  • Szymon Lewiński (category Others),
  • Dawid Parus (category Current events),
  • Patryk Kuleta (Panorama category),
  • Hanna Lewandowska (Portrait category).

All awarded photos can be viewed in the competition gallery . We warmly congratulate the winners and the honored!

These photos were really made by phone. Here are the winners of the iPhone Photography Awards 2019


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