New processor, new camera, new haptic. iPhone 11 - TOP5 information that came to light

The editors of 9to5Mac - a trusted source of leaks on Apple products - announced further reports regarding the smartphone of the iPhone 11. Or rather, three smartphones, which we will see in just two months.

The network has a lot of rumors about the new iPhone. Most of them are released between the ears, due to the low credibility of the source. The editors of 9to5Mac , however, rely on information directly from people who have already had contact with new Apple smartphones. Considering the credibility of 9to5Mac built on the accuracy of previous reports, as well as the ever-closer date of presentation of new devices, the following subsections can be considered very probable:

iPhone 11 in three variants

The new generation of Apple smartphones will be available in three variants. This is a continuation of the company's current offer, which consists of the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR models. It is possible that the market premiere of individual models will take place at different times. It was similar during the premiere of the XR model, which debuted after XS and XS Max were on store shelves.

The presence of three models allows for the diversification of the offer and the placement of products on three different price platforms: expensive, very expensive and horrendously expensive.

Screens and connectors the old way

iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Max and iPhone 11R (editorial temporary names) will be equipped with exactly the same displays as in the current generation of smartphones. This means that models 11 and 11 Max will get OLED screens, while the cheapest version of R will stand out with LCD display. The technical parameters of the screens are to be the same as last year:

  • iPhone 11 - 5.8 inches OLED screen, 2436 by 1125 pixels
  • iPhone 11 Max - OLED screen 6.5 inches, 2688 by 1242 pixels
  • iPhone 11R - 6.1 "LED screen, 1792 by 828 pixels

Unfortunately, each of the new models will be equipped with a Lightning connector. It means that you have to wait for the expected USB-C socket at least until 2020. It is a great pity, because it is one of the most expected changes. Apple, however, is in no hurry.

The new, powerful A13 Bionic processor

Every year Apple installs extremely efficient chips on its smartphones. It will not be any different this time. A13 Bionic is to be the answer to technological challenges related to machine learning, augmented reality, more complex video games and faster applications.

As always, we'll hear that the A13 is the best chip ever made on the iPhone. Meanwhile, the A12 Bionic still achieves great results, winning in benchmarks with such performance monsters as Qualcomm Snapdragon 855.

Triple camera closed in a rectangle

Informants 9to5Mac confirm that the nasty triple lens in the new Apple smartphones will become a fact. The iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Max models will receive three rear lenses located on a characteristic rectangular island. The additional lens is to be responsible for wide angle shots. With it, Apple will boast of a solution called Smart Frame, which will allow you to frame your photos after they have been made, based on additional data from the wide-angle lens.

The triple rear camera will only receive the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Max models. The cheapest iPhone 11R will get a camera with two lenses. Also new will be the improved selfie camera, which will now allow you to record slow-mo materials at 120 frames per second.

3D Touch will be extinguished, new ones are coming

With the launch of new smartphones, Apple will systematically quench and marginalize the 3D Touch solution. This does not mean, however, that the company surrenders in the area of ​​advanced touch support. On the contrary. iPhone 11 with siblings will receive a completely new haptic engine that will allow the use of so-called leap haptics. However, it is still not clear what the new standard will be different from the existing tactile solutions.

New processor, new camera, new haptic. iPhone 11 - TOP5 information that came to light


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