BNP Paribas has introduced the "Open Card to the World". Its strength is high limits for withdrawals abroad and free insurance

The banks understood that the lack of additional conversion costs is the standard expected by the mass of Polish travelers. That is why the Bank BNP Paribas offers its clients a new " Open Card to the World ", which is characterized by high withdrawal limits at foreign ATMs, no conversion costs, as well as free insurance. Travel resignation with a premium covered by the bank.

Bank BNP Paribas has prepared a dedicated card for travelers .

The "Open for the World Card" is a product that can be used by the holders of the "Open for You" Account at the BNP Paribas Bank. The card order is free. The same as using and servicing the account. The cost of the "Open Card to the World" with free currency conversion is PLN 10 per month. It's so-called the cost of card service. What do we get in return?

"Open for World Card" allows you to make payments without additional conversion costs in almost 160 currencies. Shop, restaurant, souvenir stall - if only the seller has a terminal, and we have money on the account, non-cash payment based on Mastercard will not be a problem. The BNP Paribas Bank customer does not have to worry about additional transaction costs, such as the exchange of Kazimierz Wielki for Abraham Lincoln.

The conversion is carried out in turn on the exchange rate set by Mastercard. The rates for BNP Paribas clients are published daily at midnight. The exact amount of the course can be viewed by going to the official website of the Bank .

"Karta Otwarta na Świat" is very high withdrawal limits at foreign ATMs and free currency conversion.

The problem of many currency cards is the low limits of monthly withdrawals at foreign ATMs. It often happens that banks and financial institutions allow you to take cash in a much smaller sum than our total travel expenses. On the other hand, payments above the indicated, too low amount are subject to additional costs. With the "Open Card to the World" travelers have no problem.

With the BNP Paribas Bank card, the customer can choose an amount of up to PLN 20,000 per day. If he will use the ATMs of the BNP Paribas Group and Global Alliance, he will take cash for free, without any additional charges. There are over 70,000 ATMs in total (including BNL, TEB, Bank of the West, Barclays, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank and Westpac), so it is difficult to worry about the availability of free ATM in a foreign country.

If you use ATMs outside of the list, the one-time cost of cash withdrawal is PLN 5. It is worth adding that the BNP Paribas client is still not subject to additional costs of zloty conversion.

A distinctive feature of the Bank BNP Paribas offer is free travel resignation insurance

Insurance Travel resignation is a service that is part of the Open Card to the World offer. The purpose of insurance The resignation from travel is to cover expenses incurred by a would-have traveler who must cancel his trip. The insured should be compensated in case of:

  • sudden illness,
  • an unfortunate accident,
  • death of a loved one,
  • traffic accident
  • theft with burglary.

The condition for applying for compensation is to pay travel costs from the BNP Paribas account during the insurance coverage period. What is crucial, the premium of such insurance is covered by Bank BNP Paribas, not the customer.

It should be noted that the subject of insurance are only actions and phenomena on the client's side. The offer does not include such phenomena as a canceled flight or a 24-hour strike of pilots. Details on free insurance for BNP Paribas Bank card holders can be found here .

* The material was created in cooperation with Bank BNP Paribas.

BNP Paribas has introduced the "Open Card to the World". Its strength is high limits for withdrawals abroad and free insurance


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