You can connect a mouse and a pendrive to your iPad. iPadOS turns your iPad into a work tool

Apple has long done a lot to make the iPad deserve the term Pro. iPadOS is a huge step in this direction.

The WWDC conference yesterday clearly showed that Apple achieved the mastery in creating complementary software solutions. I agree with Przemysław Pajak's thesis that the company is far ahead of the competition in this respect.

Today, with Apple's equipment of different categories, we feel like ... at home, whatever it sounds like. iPhone, iPad, Mac, Watch, AirPods - all these devices work together, complement each other and enjoy the convenience of using the group. My editorial colleague, Łukasz Kotkowski, put this thesis in a neat statement that we are dealing with "convergence on a level totally unattainable for other producers".

iPadOS is the best thing that has ever happened to the iPad

Dividing the iOS into two separate systems, Apple's decision makers made the right decision. In principle, it should be taken already around the premiere of iOS 11 , when the tablets of the company got a number of features that increase productivity. This was especially true for multitasking.

Apple introduced then a new Dock that allows you to conveniently switch between applications and the Slide Over function allows you to display the second application in a smaller window, which can be conveniently slid in and out. The whole was complemented by a shared view, enabling you to work in two stable windows at the same time.

This was the first big step towards making the iPad a working tool.

Of course, I mean my own perspective, and it is quite specific. For the editorial work I need an average efficient laptop, because it takes place mainly in the browser and text editors. In addition, you need to replace the applications that are used to manage the work of the editorial - they are primarily Slack and Trello.

Theoretically, I could work on an iPad earlier. And even from time to time, it happened to me to publish the texts of my colleagues on Apple's tablet or to correct some mistake in the text. It was not a great challenge. Also writing to iA Write, Worda or Pages did not cause much problems until when using the iPad with an external keyboard.

However, these were half-measures, and the work could not be comfortable despite the progress that Apple made in the field of multitasking.

iPadOS is a new level in multitasking.

iPadOS has brought multitasking capabilities that at first glance seem small, but will fundamentally affect the convenience of work.

Let's take a trifle , like working in Split View mode, i.e. in two windows, but with the new version within the same application. When you do, for example (still looking from the editor's perspective) research into the text or use sources, such a function is absolutely necessary for comfortable work. Now I can have two instances of Safari, Pages or Word open, which will greatly affect productivity. The same applies to the simultaneous writing of e-mails and the use of e-mail content thanks to Split View within one application.

Equally easy life will be switching between applications in the Slide Over view. Today, thanks to him I use Slack. Soon I will be able to add Trello and other applications to this.

The text editing functions are exceptionally good, which will allow you to easily select, copy and paste text. Now it is done through the demanding precision of selecting the first word and stretching the selection. It's going to be much easier with iPadOS. The pinch will in turn copy the text. It's just as easy to paste.

The iPad handles the flash drive and even the mouse

Apple not only focused on multitasking in iPadOS. A big change is the new file manager, which in addition to the changed view has received the ability to share SMB files, and also gained support for pendrives and SD cards. We were able to use the latter for iOS devices before. Apple sells a special Lightning adapter for SD, but after connecting the card to an iPhone or iPad, we were able to import only photos.

The iPadOS also has support for mice, and developers have reported that also tracked Magic Trackpad. We display pairing devices from the Accessibility menu, which contains a number of functions that make life easier for people with disabilities.

What does mouse support on iPad look like? Look:

At first glance, the use of the mouse on the iPad is somewhat contradictory to what Apple showed in the multitasking framework. Gestures are the treasure of the iPad, and the mouse interferes with the way you use them. It should be noted, however, that support for the mouse appeared in the "Accessibility" menu, in which there are a number of settings to facilitate the operation of the device for people with sight, hearing or disabilities. An iPad mouse can therefore be considered as an additional pointing device for people for whom convenient touch support is not possible.

I can not wait to install iPadOS on my tablet.

iOS 13 brings relatively small news on iPhones . I'm looking forward to the dark mode myself. I already use it in these iOS applications that offer it, but I miss Dark System at the system level. The iPadOS is another big step towards making the iPad work. Microsoft's Pro Surface owners will look furious and look at such a matter of contempt, but Apple goes completely the opposite way than the Redmond company.

Apple does not adapt the interface typical for PCs for more mobile devices, and these are the iPads. The company from Cupertino increases the capabilities of its tablets, not forgetting about their special use and handling. This reverse direction is key here.

I do not think that I would endure until September and I will probably install the first public iPadaOS beta. No, I'm not saying that the iPad will replace my MacBook Pro in the near future. After the changes, however, it will be able to replace it in situations where mobility is key.

The future that is ahead of this category of devices is open. Nobody like Apple shows this so well. That is why I am holding back the burial of tablets, myself being the owner of two iPads.

You can connect a mouse and a pendrive to your iPad. iPadOS turns your iPad into a work tool


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