There are new information about Samsung Galaxy Note 10. I can not get over 3.5 mm jack connector

Even when I have excellent wireless headphones from Sony, I miss the lack of a jack in my phone. Samsung seemed to be sensible about the wireless revolution in sound, but along with Note 10 it would allegedly join the market trend.

Why the jack connector on the phone? After all, its removal will allow you to gain space inside the phone, making it easier for engineers to design the layout of integrated circuits, cooling systems and battery cells. A modern consumer probably already uses wireless headphones, and if he does, he has a USB-C cable in his headphones, or the adapter itself.

No. It's not true.

We will remember this every time when the battery in our headphones is discharged, and of course we do not have a cable with us that I will not mention the adapter. Yes, we need adapters, because the USB-C headphones themselves are not there . And it is not about any adapter: due to the electronics it contains, not everyone works with every phone. I also wish you good luck listening to music, when the phone during the flight will communicate the need to connect it to the charger.

Well, I complained. Now you can. Because it looks like the Galaxy Note 10 will get rid of the 3.5 mm headphone jack.

This is not official information, but it comes from the already well-known Twitter journalists, who sometimes turned out to have real information. This confirms previous reports about the lack of this connector, and also adds some other interesting information. It seems that in the new phone the fingerprint reader is - according to predictions - directly on the front, hidden in the phone's display. The location of the video chat camera, which is now in the middle of the top of the device, has also changed in relation to the Galaxy S10.

Ice Universe, because such a pseudonym is used by the informer, also confirms the new lenses system in the main camera - they will be in a vertical layout. At the bottom of the device there is a USB-C connector for charging and data (sound is also data), a speaker and a slot for the S-Pen. The phone is supposed to be officially presented in July, the sale is expected to appear in August.

I do not like this future, we are not ready for it yet.

I consider the lack of a jack connector in my current phone as one of its most important drawbacks. I thought it would not hurt me - I do not like wired headphones - but as practice has shown, once in the Russian year this connector is extremely useful. And usually just then I do not have the right wiring with me.

Detriment. Ever since Huawei snakes in the agony of Samsung, he has come back to the top of my private list of favorite phone manufacturers. It's good that I do not exchange them so often and never - for financial reasons - I do not decide on the latest model. My next phone will probably be a Galaxy S9 + with a jack connector. The Galaxy Note 10 will of course be dreamed of . Although, due to the above, anecdotal information, a little less.

There are new information about Samsung Galaxy Note 10. I can not get over 3.5 mm jack connector


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