No more doubts, Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro gets its WiFi and Bluetooth certifications. Your ad will be shortly

Yesterday we could see as part of the source code of the MIUI camera contained references of a global version of the Redmi K20 Pro. A small detail that filled with hope all those who expected the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro and that is now confirmed after its certification in the official entities of WiFi-Alliance and Bluetooth .

Remember that we have a large Telegram group where you can keep up to date on any news of the Xiaomi Mi 9T and Mi 9T Pro (Redmi K20 and K20 Pro): @ RedmiK20byXiaomi

Undoubtedly, two of the most notable smartphones and that, moreover, have given more talk this 2019 are the Redmi K20 and K20 Pro . Two new smartphones that are characterized by their retractable camera and that to date has only been officially announced the first of them under the name Xiaomi Mi 9 T.

Now, after receiving a large number of rumors that the GLOBAL variant of the Redmi K20 Pro would be named outside of China and India as the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro , the WiFi and Bluetooth certifications of this mysterious model have appeared. Specifically, as we can see in the images above, the model M1903F11G has been listed in the WiFi and Bluetooth certification units, a model that refers to the same as the Redmi K20 Pro, but in this case has the letter "G" in its end as it is the GLOBAL version .

Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro is confirmed again GLOBAL. Now your WiFi and Bluetooth certification. Xiaomi   News Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro is confirmed again GLOBAL. Now your WiFi and Bluetooth certification. Xiaomi   News

Undoubtedly, a new test that confirms with greater security, the existence of the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro and that in turn reassures all those users who were looking forward to the global version of the Redmi K20 Pro or who even considered buying the Chinese version to later update your firmware.

Do not forget that we have a large Telegram group where you can keep informed of any news or find help, tutorials, offers and much more with its more than 1,000 members . To do so just click on @ RedmiK20byXiaomi and join the largest community of the Xiaomi Mi 9T and Mi 9T Pro .

What would the new Mi 9T Pro offer us?

As has already happened with the Xiaomi Mi 9T which is based on the Redmi K20 itself, the new model with the name "Pro" would in turn be based on the Redmi K20 Pro. In this way the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro would offer us great performance thanks to its powerful Snapdragon 855 along with various combinations of RAM ranging from 6GB to 64 or 128GB of storage and 8GB of RAM in conjunction with 128 or 256GB of internal storage.

Redmi K20 Pro, features, specifications, data sheet and price. Xiaomi   News Redmi K20 Pro, features, specifications, data sheet and price. Xiaomi   News Redmi K20 Pro, features, specifications, data sheet and price. Xiaomi   News

In addition, the new Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro would have a triple rear camera consisting of a 48MP main sensor, a xMP telephoto lens and a wide-angle xMP . On the front and equipped with a new retractable system we would find a 20MP camera.

Xiaomi Mi 9 vs Redmi K20 Pro. Comparative, which to choose. Xiaomi   News

Screen of the Redmi K20 Pro (Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro) without any notch and reduced bevels.

Of rest, this new global device would count on a battery of 4,000mAh with fast load of 27W , connection NFC , Bluetooth 5.0, reader of tracks under screen , port audio jack , USB-C and WiFi AC.

The entry No more doubts, Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro gets its WiFi and Bluetooth certifications. Your ad will shortly be published first on Xiaomi news and news website in general, we are Xiaomi .


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