Do not make my mistake and see if you can pay twice as much for twice as much

Unlimited calls, SMSs and MMSs. For this 10 GB internet package, which was usually enough for a whole month. I had everything I wanted, so I gave myself milk. If it were not necessary for the editorial review of the offers, it would continue. Do not make my mistake.

I have never been attracted to any red feet, vikings or yellow sponges. I did not like combining. I was not interested in what I pay the telecommunications company for exactly. After all, I had everything I needed - unlimited calls, SMSs, MMSs and a 10 GB monthly package. I simply did not want to combine with some scratch cards, MIXs and gods know what else.

It seemed to me that PLN 50 for such a telecommunications all-inclusive is a fair rate. The problem was that I had a contract somewhere in 2013. Then I extended it for another two years, not seeing the need to change. After the next accounting period, my contract transformed into one that lasted for an indefinite period. All this time I lived in my bubble, not even trying to analyze new offers from the world of telco.

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I was a dream client - I did not ask, did not check, I did not negotiate. Such a meek sheep.

What to lie here. Laziness and comfort were winning. I never had to limit my expenses or tighten my belt. Casimir III the Great left my account every month, and I did not even know when. This arrangement between me and the operator lasted for months. Then years. They did not offer me anything better. I was not looking for an alternative. Probably I would not look for it now, if it was not for the glory of Spider's Web.

Unfortunately, because of the summer shortage of personnel came to me. I was assigned to help a colleague create a list of subscription offers from various operators. This is the first time that I had to deal with this type of issue on Spider's Web. However, even an inexperienced, lazy and ignorant employee like me immediately noticed that something was wrong. Wait, wait ... how is it all without limits for 25 zlotys? How is more than 10 GB for half of my rate?

I compared my subscription with current offers. I paid half as much for half as much.

By current offers I mean other subscriptions, ranked by a colleague from the editorial team in terms of attractiveness and profitability. One of the top positions in the ranking was Plush Abo . A cheaper offer, however, was not worse than the one I used myself. On the contrary. Plush Misiek also offers unlimited calls, SMSs and MMSs, and the possibility of reaching up to 20 GB monthly transfer without a funnel. It's twice as much as my operator gives me.

Of course, my suspicious nature immediately took over. I started to check if the whole Abo is actually a subscription and not a camouflaged option on the card. I researched whether PLN 25 monthly is the final monthly fee and the actual value of the contract. I was looking for hooks, hooks and anchors. I wanted to explain somehow rationally why I pay more for less. Stupid thing, because I did not find it.

In addition, the competition offers bonuses, which my operator did not dream about.

I mean 10 GB of additional, monthly transfer to YouTube itself. If that were not enough, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Whatsapp do not consume monthly transfers. In addition, there are two more months of HBO GO for free. Just in time to watch the Chernobyl and sweeten the disappointing finale of Game of Thrones. Well, a new band will be available this fall this autumn.

An additional bonus is also a free smartphone case. We choose the model of the telephone we own, as well as the pattern or photo we want to apply to the surface. The ready case is received directly to the door. Also interesting is the system of regularly increasing the monthly data package. Misiek rewards loyal customers. After 3 months, the package increases to 12 GB. Six to 14 GB. The next stop is 16 GB a year. The final station is 20 GB per month for two years of subscription.

I did not want to feel used anymore. It was time for change.

I moved. The preservation of the number cost nothing, and all the paperwork was taken care of by the new operator. I did not even have to visit the salon. A free courier parcel with a SIM card came straight to the door.

I will add from myself that I felt a significant improvement in the network in the iPhone 8 Plus. On the route Katowice - Warsaw, catching the range on the train bordered on a miracle earlier. Now it is much better. The network at the Central Station no longer returns to the 2G era, while in the Katowice apartment I catch LTE without any problem. This is a positive quality change that I did not expect when changing the operator. Plush makes proper use of Polkomtel's infrastructure.

As for the subscription itself - everything is exactly as it should. I call, write and talk without thinking about limits. For this I have no more resistance to letting a better half watch YouTube from my device when we are away.

I do not recommend crossing. I do not recommend buying. I appeal only: do not be sheep like me.

I know I'm not alone. There are people who have not changed the subscription for years because they are comfortable with what they have. I know it very well. Do not be like me, though. Do not give in to milk when you can get more benefits at a lower price. When I think about how much money I lost without making a change earlier, I can see a new vacuum cleaner in front of my eyes. Or two.

As I wrote earlier - I do not recommend crossing. I do not urge you to sign a contract. I am convinced that a good offer defends itself and does not need additional solicitation. It's best to compare these terms with your previous subscription agreement . In my case the difference was colossal. Of course, to the disadvantage of the current operator.

I made a proper correction.

Do not make my mistake and see if you can pay twice as much for twice as much


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