The US government wants spy drones. But the Americans will be spying, so DJI is gone

The United States government, for fear of eavesdropping, suspended cooperation with Huawe, but at the same time announced work on its own spy drone. It is already known that it will not be built by the Chinese DJI.

Do you know what drones were used in 2018? For filming weddings, for selfie photos in beautiful natural circumstances, and maybe for recreational flights? All answers are correct, but this is only a small percentage of the actual use of drones in the world.

use of drones 2018

In 2018 as much as 70 percent. the drone market was military applications. Commercial applications are only 17 percent, and recreational use is only 13 percent. In this context, the cooperation of a company producing drones with the United States government sounds like a very lucrative business.

A business in which the United States tells the Chinese people "no".

We recently reported on the consequences of Trump's trade war. Chinese companies have nothing to fear. The heaviest guns have been filed against Huawei , but the ricochet may be hit by DJI , the global leader in the drone market. The United States Department of Homeland Security expressed "strong concerns" about DJI drones. They can collect data and share it on Chinese servers.

It is not known how much of this truth, but the first business effects are already visible. The US Department of Defense wants to create its own spy drones and it is already known that it will not create their DJI.

Reconnaissance drones for the United States are a great victory for Parrot.

The US Department of Defense has selected six companies that will create short-range reconnaissance drones for military applications. As many as five companies from the list are companies from the USA. They are: Skydio, Altavian, Teal Drones, Vantage Robotics and Lumenier.

The sixth player is the French Parrot, which is one of the leaders of the consumer drone market, which has always stood in the shadow of DJI. Parrot offers very robust drones, such as the Bebop 2 model with FPV glasses tested by me, or the heat of the accepted drone Anafi, which is an alternative to DJI Mavic Air.

Companies must present drones capable of flying 30 minutes on a single battery, with a range of 3 km. The cartridges must weigh a maximum of 1.36 kg (three pounds), fit into a standard backpack of the United States Army and be capable of flying within a maximum of two minutes of being removed from the backpack. They also need to provide live preview of the BVLOS flight, i.e. beyond the operator's eye range. All of these conditions are met by Parrot Anafi present on the market.

parrot bebop 2 power fpv

For DJI, the lack of a contract with the US government will surely be a blow. In turn, for Parrot, it can be an opportunity to break out on the drone market. Currently, $ 11 million has been allocated to the drone development program, but this amount is only meant to cover the cost of creating prototypes. There is a separate pool of money for the purchase of drones, and the army's budgets are not small.

I really hope that this cash injection will help in the development of Parrot. DJI domination - despite all the excellence of the company's products - is not good for the market.

The US government wants spy drones. But the Americans will be spying, so DJI is gone


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