Sony lowers the price of PlayStation 4 consoles in Poland. PS4 Slim at last with seven in front

Sony Interactive Entertainment Polska has introduced a promotional price of the PlayStation 4 console for the PS4 Slim 500 GB model. This is the first time that the price suggested by the Polish distributor fell below the figure of eight, amounting to PLN 799. Although SIEP emphasizes that this is a temporary offer, the rate should be a new reference point for the Polish consumer.

It has been assumed that the cheapest version of the PlayStation 4 is a bit more expensive than the cheapest version of the Xbox One. When you buy the Xbox One S for approximately PLN 850, PS4 Slim usually costs PLN 950 - PLN 999. Sony Interactive Entertainment Polska decides to reverse this situation by organizing the promotion together with leading home electronics and home appliances networks. The suggested price of the PS4 Slim 500 GB model for the first time has a seven in front.

From now on, PS4 Slim 500 GB will be purchased for PLN 799.

The new rate for the PlayStation 4 console already applies to the MediaExpert, Neo24, Avans, Electro, RTV Euro AGD and MediaMarkt stores. The offer of these chains contrasts with the offer of other popular stores such as X-KOM or Empik, where the price of the basic PlayStation 4 model is still very much yesterday. It can be assumed that this will change in the next dozen or so hours.

You just need to remember that for PLN 799, we buy a naked console, with one controller and without any games in the set. Fortunately, there are no obstacles to download free hits such as Fortnite , Dauntless , APEX Legends , Warframe, Realm Royale, H1Z1, Path of Exile or Paladins. Free2play productions do not require a PS Plus subscription. All you need is a stable internet connection via a network cable or a home WiFi connection.

PLN 799 for PS4 Slim is a fair price, which should be a new benchmark.

By December 2020 at the latest, the premiere of the PlayStation 5 awaits us. Until then, Sony's ambition is to get closer to the results of the record sales of PlayStation 2. To achieve this, Sony must sell at least 50 million devices. For such a scenario to become at least somewhat realistic, the price of the device must fall, and the PS4 itself should continue to receive great games exclusive. I'm not afraid of the last one. The owners of PS4 also have premieres of such titles as Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us Part II. Each of these productions promises to be phenomenal.

These PLN 799 is a very good price for a quiet, small, efficient device that can easily deal with the latest video games. The fair rate has been tailored to the capabilities of the Polish client. If you have wanted to buy PS4 Slim for a long time, this is a really great moment to implement delayed plans.

Sony lowers the price of PlayStation 4 consoles in Poland. PS4 Slim at last with seven in front


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