Samsung Galaxy A40 challenges Chinese smartphones - first impressions


Samsung is unlikely to be associated with the slogan "cheap and good". Here - rightly or not - Chinese producers dominate in the minds of clients. Galaxy A40 is another attempt to change this state of affairs, this time in theory quite effective.

The Samsung Galaxy A40 already had its media premiere in the Netherlands, but it was only at the occasion of the Galaxy A80 presentation that we had the opportunity to appreciate it for a while. After a moment of fun , I must admit that I was not much smarter than after reading Samsung's press releases. The first version of this text began with the words "this phone". And she had no further course.

Visually, I love the Galaxy A40. Samsung has for some time in my opinion learned to create affordable, but visually attractive devices. Taking A40 into his hands, he does not feel his cheapness . It gives the impression of being solid.

Samsung Galaxy A40 equipment? A solid foundation for a Sunday phone user.

samsung galaxy a40 impressions

The display of the phone is Super AMOLED with a diagonal of 5.9 inches and Full HD + resolution with very narrow frames. In the middle you will find an Exynos 7885 octa core processor with 4 GB RAM. So it is not a phone call for the player or for a non-stop person juggling the Big Applications that are running, but with almost all tasks he should deal without stuttering. 64 GB of storage sounds good for a cheap phone. In addition, we can extend it using a microSD card.

The device is managed by the Android Pie system from One UI, and for its working time is answered by an alarmingly small battery with a capacity of just 3100 mAh. This is definitely not the equipment for people who sit non-stop in emails or on social media. Unless the time of work by various optimizations will somehow surprise us or if we do not mind wearing a powerbank with us.

The phone can be unlocked, among others, using a fingerprint reader on the back of the phone or face scan. The sensor needed for the other one is in a small indent on the display.

samsung galaxy a40 impressions

Well, let's not forget about the cameras. The main unit is a 16-megapixel module, accompanied by an additional, wide-angle, 5-megapixel. The front camera seems a bit better: the 25-megapixel unit with f / 2.0 shows that, according to Samsung, the typical Galaxy A40 user will be primarily selfic.

The Samsung Galaxy A40 is simply a phone. Everything is decided by price, and this one ... we already know.

The producer did not communicate it yet, but the Polish stores went ahead and introduced the model to the offer. The price is PLN 1150, so - in my opinion - very adequate. Of course, we will have to verify it once we can borrow a copy for review.

For now, however, after a very superficial play, it seems that everything is correct. A large display with good parameters, bearable components, a good selector camera, great software and convenient access to Samsung services. And besides, he is just nice. There is no craze, but we should not expect the price of 1150 zlotys of this craze. That's what a simple phone should cost now, but also one that will not make life difficult for us. There are many indications that Samsung Galaxy A40 is just such equipment.

Samsung Galaxy A40 challenges Chinese smartphones - first impressions


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