Lidl has launched an online store. There are no food, but there are over 700 products

As announced, Lidl launched his online store in Poland today. The store is available at a strange address and there are no food items in it.

The network declared that by the end of 2019 it wants to be in the top five online stores operating in the non-food area. It seems quite real, considering that the Lidl Plus application attracted as much as 250,000 in a few days. users. Lidl gave the possibility to log in to the new online store using the login and password from the application . This should make some customers join the online store in a natural way.

Where is Lidla's online store?

For unknown reasons, Lidl did not run his store at Such a subdomain would inspire confidence and send a clear signal that we are dealing with an official store, not a clone.

The official online store is available today at .

What can you buy at Lidl online ?

The store's menu is divided into 8 categories:

  • Fashion
  • Workshop and car
  • Child
  • House
  • Kitchen
  • Sport and leisure
  • Health and beauty
  • Garden

After entering the selected category, we have a lot of filters available that allow you to precisely find decent products.

On one page, the store displays 18 products. There are a total of 40 subpages of products in all categories. This means that when you start an online store, Lidl offers around 700 items.

Lidl - online store

There are much more products in real terms, because sometimes there are several variants of a given product under one item - for example, under the heading "LENA Vehicle: tipper or excavator or loader or tractor", the customer has four different toys to choose from.

Payment and delivery

In the online store Lidla you can pay by card, bank transfer or Blikiem. InPost will be responsible for the delivery, but the discount does not predict the possibility of delivering purchases to Parcel Lockers in the first phase of the sale. Free delivery starts from PLN 149.

Lidl has launched an online store. There are no food, but there are over 700 products


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