We got to know the best amateur photos - the results of one of the largest photo contests in the world

The best amateur photos of the world delight, and this is just the beginning of the results of the Sony World Photography Awards 2019. Among the winners of the National Award was also a Pole - Piotr Leczkowski.

Open section, which winners we met today, is just a foretaste, and the level of images is really high. This year, 326,997 works from 195 countries were sent. The jury selected 10 best photographs in individual categories.

The winners have therefore something to be proud of. Overcoming so many rivals is a great honor. Especially that SWPA is one of the largest, most recognizable and prestigious photo contests in the world. The awarded works attract thousands of people, both on the Internet and during the post-competition exhibition at the Somerset House gallery in London.

The magic moment from Poland charmed the jury.

Unfortunately, this year, we will not find Polish names among the laureates of the open part. The only Pole on the SWPA lists is Piotr Leczkowski, who was the winner of the National Awards competition organized as part of the Sony World Photography Awards 2019.

His photo "Magic Moment" was recognized as the best of all the works that photographers of Polish nationality living in Poland applied for the open competition of the Sony World Photography Awards. The winning photo was chosen by the juror Tomasz Tomaszewski, the ambassador of Sony Poland. Similarly, many creators from other countries have also been awarded.

It took me a long time to find my own way - says Piotr Leczkowski about his work. - It was about my personal way of showing the beauty of this world. Now I am ready to speak in a mature, serious voice. I also hope that this voice is charming, but it has to be assessed by everyone ...

Leczkowski is a professional graphic designer, and photography has started to deal with amateurhood already in adulthood. He lives in Żyrardów. He made the winning photo behind the scenes during the Polish National Ballet's rehearsal.

We got to know the best amateur photos - the results of one of the largest photo contests in the world


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