Uber Black in Poland: luxury transports are taking off next week

Black limousines, polite drivers and leather seats. Soon, it will be Uber in Warsaw. Of course for a suitably luxurious fee.

No more crumbles in the passenger seat and surly drivers barely speaking Polish and cars. As Cashless learned, Uber Black, a luxury version of Uber , will start in Warsaw next week.

Uber Black in Poland. Carriage of people in the premium version.

Uber Black w Polsce. Przewóz osób w wersji premium.

Uber ceases to be simply cheap passenger transport. The most demanding, and by the way the most affluent, customers of the company will soon be able to take advantage of the premium version of its services. Although luxury Uber sounds like an oxymoron, the company will try to convince us that it can also offer top-shelf services.

Uber Black will only support drivers who have been appreciated by their passengers and have an average of at least 4.8 stars. The company also wants to motivate its tops rewarding the first 50 who will complete 25 rides with a bonus of PLN 350.

Not only drivers pass a sharp selection to qualify for the program. The equipment is also carefully checked. Cars have to pass verifications at the Warsaw office of the company and meet a number of requirements. Cars must have leather seats and be manufactured in 2012 at the earliest. They must catch the list of brands and models allowed under Uber Black. Luxurious enough is, among others, Cadillac CTS and XTS, Volvo S80, Jaguar XF, Infiniti Q50, Mercedes , Lexus and BMW, no-one will also disdain Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Tesla, Porche or Maybach , though the latter's drivers probably want to specialize in driving on routes near churches.

It is not yet known how much it will be necessary to pay for the Uber Black transport, but we can be sure that it will not be a cheap offer. Uber points out that the premium service must also have a premium price list. In the west, you have to pay even a few times more than a normal Ford or Skoda for driving a dark limousine from Uber's stable.

Uber Black in Poland: luxury transports are taking off next week


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