New 1More wireless headphones on the Youpin platfrom

The 1More brand specializes in creating headphones, the company's main premise is excellent sound quality for a reasonable price. Many models are available on the Xiaomi sales platform called Youpin, and have recently been joined by another model.

New 1More wireless headphones on the Youpin platfrom

New 1More wireless headphones on the Youpin platfrom

The headphones are dedicated to physically active people. Even during a long run, we will not feel discomfort because they weigh only 23 grams. Bluetooth is responsible for wireless communication, unfortunately only in version 4.2. The remote control has a remote control for music, without the need to pull the smartphone.

The 125 mAh battery provides 6 hours of music playback. Charging takes place via a micro-usb port tucked behind the end cap. 1More wireless headphones are sold in four colors: black, pink, gold and green. I like the gold-white version looks prestigious.

New 1More wireless headphones on the Youpin platfrom

The price for headphones 1More in the Chinese market is 269 yuan, $ 40. They are already available for purchase on Aliexpress and, surprisingly, the seller's margin is low, only $ 10.

Article The new 1More wireless headphones on the Youpin platfrom comes from the service .


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