LEGO Lord of the Rings for PC available for free. It s the perfect family game for the holidays

Santa Claus proposes a funny replay of the iconic trilogy of The Lord of the Rings.

Not only the authors of Civilization 6 give away things for free . The Christmas gift is also presented to us by the Humble Bundle. Until December 22, At 7:00 pm everyone willing can pick up LEGO Lord of the Rings for free .

Conditions? Two. First of all you need to have an account on the Humble Bundle website. Secondly, you have to agree to receive a newsletter from them with one click. The price is therefore small. It's hard to call it a price, because the Humble Bundle is a great initiative. We ourselves choose the amount we will pay for the given game package. And then we decide ourselves how much of this amount will go to the Humble Bundle, how much directly to the developers, and how much to the foundation. Why not receive emails from them?

LEGO Lord of the Rings is a great game for the whole family.

For fun, all you need is love for Tolkien's work. And who does not like the adventures of the Hobbits and the company? The game recreates the cult trilogy using Lego blocks with the right amount and charm. It benefits from the benefits of the universe and film adaptation, so we have over 80 characters or a half-open world made up of famous locations like Rivendell or Shire.

Importantly, the Lego Lord of the Rings can be played with another person. It's a perfect position to play with either a child or a second half. The magic of the Lord of the Rings and Lego bricks can finally be appreciated by both young and adults.

I've already got my key by email. With the Lego series, I've always been on the way, but why do not we have to take a break at the beloved universe? Especially that the game contains dialogues from the movie - often in a funny context - and the wonderful music of Howard Shore. I suspect that this is also an interesting way to refresh the magic of cinema production.

LEGO Lord of the Rings for PC available for free. It's the perfect family game for the holidays


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