God of War deserves the prize of the game of the year? I asked the editors about this and I am interested in your opinion

The game statuette of The Game Awards 2018 was awarded to God of War producers. Hit from the PlayStation 4 console was chosen for the best interactive production of the last 12 months. Deservedly? I launched the editorial probe and released it on the hunt for answers among the Spider's Web editors. I am also curious about what you think about the winner and what production according to you deserves the title of the game of the year.

Szymon Radzewicz - no Red Redemption

I was expecting Red Dead Redemption 2 to get all the statuettes that were possible to win. I did not want that. Rockstar made a great game, but I feel that the critics to the company with reviewers have been overwhelmed. Some journalists, also in Poland, were delighted with the adventure in the Wild West because it was so. Because everyone did. It's like the Polish Pope and the third Witcher - you write well or you do not write at all. I do not take such a fearful approach to me.

Sure, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an exceptional title. It's just that it's more Rockstar's game for Rockstar. Monument to the ambitions of the producers who created it not thinking about the players themselves. They wanted to create a work by the big D, even at the expense of dynamism, control or intuitiveness. M. in. that's why I think RDR2 is an outstanding and obligatory position, but it is not material for the game of the year. Turn of the year? Sure. Artistic vision of the year? Sure. Music of the year? I can take it somehow. But the game of the year ... here I am glad that the Game Awards organizers had kohones to hand a statuette to someone else.

God of War is great. This is the title for which you buy a console. The relationship between father and son is masterfully carried out, the battles are well done, and the graphics droop in the chair. The game is deeper than Spider-Man, both on the narrative as well as the mechanical and arcade level. The only thing that really hurts me in GoW is the number of unique bosses. With these repeating trolls in different color variations, they really bend.

Hubert Taler - God of War is outstanding, but how much of this is the magic of the title?

In video games, we have a harvest defeat - a situation when the market has deepened so much that it is impossible to check and check every game that comes out, and even among the indie games there are pearls. The industry usually rests on large titles and well-known series - it is known that they pull it forward but do not necessarily give it a tone. It happens that big titles derive from less known and more innovative ones.

God of War is excellent, but I always have a question in the back of my head: would he become a game of the year, if everything was the same, but the title would be Son of Tundra, and it would be created by a less known studio?

Did God of War deserve this title? Sure, it is an outstanding game, well showing that the plot experience for one player is still the most important in the game narrative.

Piotr Grabiec - come on, boy , what a question.

Of course God of War deserves this award. It is a wonderful and beautifully told story that is extremely playable and refined in every way. The choice, after all, surprised me. After Red Dead Redemption 2 collected several statuettes in a row, I was convinced that the jury and audience of the adventures of Arthur Morgan seduced completely. It is a pity that Sony has not used this day to announce feature DLC ...

Privately I also regret that the main prize did not get Spidey, which is GOTY in my private ranking. Arcade'owa game about the adventures of the Man-spider got phenomenal movie story, and sooner come back to her than to God of Wara, to play the New Game Plus mode. Marvel's Spider-Man on PS4 is one of the few games that I did not use fast journey system - rocking on spider webs in New York itself was ... relaxing.

Patryk Fijałkowski - Kratos and Arthur will chew the competition

In my private ranking, God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2 are on par. This is an extraordinary game, refined in all respects, which can serve as the smallest representation of this generation. And because Red Dead Redemption 2 got the statuette for the best story and music, and my beloved Roger Clark (playing in a brilliant way Arthur Morgan) won in the best role category ... I am fully satisfied and think that God of War deserves the title of the Game of the Year.

One can also fancy that it would be more interesting if the jury decided on less obvious choices. What if the main prize was taken by The Return of the Obra Dinn or some other independent game? However, I am not surprised by such and no other decisions - AAA or not AAA, God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2 are simply wonderful works of culture in the world that deserve all these distinctions. And "smaller", unusual games like the Return of the Obra Dinn, Florence or Celeste mentioned, and so received awards in important categories. It was good The Game Awards.

Maciej Gajewski - I do not know the new God of War, so I will speak.

I can not judge the rightness of this choice - God of Wara last time I saw live in the form of a prototype at E3. The three are the best slasher I've ever played, so I take my word for it. Of the games I have had contact with, however, I have three candidates for this honorable title. These are Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Forza Horizon 4. I would like to grant this distinction to Rockstar Games, but I expect that my colleagues from Spider's Web will do it. So I will give it up in a perverse way.

Assassin and Horizon remain. Both games have drawn me into my world and have become addicted to drugs. Both look and sound absolutely beautiful. Both are highly playable and provide a lot of fun for dozens or even hundreds of hours. Which one to choose? The heart pulls to both, so it's time to turn on the mind. And this one suggests that with these two titles, Forza should win the award.

Odyssey is a beautiful and very honey game, but it is not without flaws. Meanwhile, Forza Horizon 4 is virtually absolutely perfect title. Even analyzing the smallest details, it's hard to attach anything. The game also has a well-built multiplayer mode that is missing in Odyssey and also introduces several innovations to the rigid genre of racing games, while Ubisoft's game does not add much to the preceding Origins. Forza Horizon 4 shines as a single player game, as a multiplayer title and as a technical masterpiece. He definitely deserves all industry awards ... at least assuming that Red Dead Redemption 2 does not exist.

God of War deserves the prize of the game of the year? I asked the editors about this and I am interested in your opinion


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