Clones of the largest sequoia in the world will help us get rid of excess CO2 from the atmosphere

cloned sequoias

Archangel The Ancient Tree Archive (AATA), a non-profit organization that archives the DNA of the oldest tree species, has just completed one of its craziest ideas. On December 14, 75 redwood clones were planted directly from the largest representatives of this species.

Yes, people live in this world who are passionate about archiving the genetic code of old tree species. I respect this lifestyle. What's more, AATA addition to collecting materials for stamp album has some good ideas for the use of its database. But from the beginning.

Do you know this photo?

[caption id = "attachment_859631" align = "aligncenter" width = "1000"] cloned sequoias Source: Archangel Ancient Tree Archive [/ caption]

This huge trunk has even been named: Fieldbrook Redwood Stump. It is, after all, a remnant of one of the most impressive evergreen sequoias. Just before the shearing it measured about 120 meters, and the diameter of its trunk (close to the ground) was 11 meters. The large size of the tree became the reason for its beheading. In 1890, no one paid too much attention to the historic value of this specimen.

The tree was probably cut down as a result of a plant made after a few deeper ones. Someone claimed that it is impossible to make a table that would accommodate 40 people from a single piece of the trunk. So much encouragement was enough to cut down a tree that has grown quietly for the last 4000 years.

[caption id = "attachment_859634" align = "aligncenter" width = "838"] cloned sequoias Cloned seedling. It looks quite inconspicuous. Source: Archangel Ancient Tree Archive [/ caption]

Sequoias are, however, a peculiar species of trees that do not give up so easily. AATA representatives managed to obtain DNA material from the remains of the five largest trees of this species and thanks to the cloning technology get as many as 75 new seedlings. Before the AATA members planted them in the Presidio National Park in San Francisco, each clone grew about 2.5 years in closed, even laboratory conditions. In this way, we were able to resurrect trees that germinated on our planet at a time when humanity used completely different calendars.

This is not just a happening. Clones of these ancient trees can help us ... fight against global warming

This fight will run quite slowly, but the concept itself is quite interesting. Secluded evergreen trees are the largest trees in the world. Adult individuals are able to absorb from 200 to 250 tons of carbon dioxide. Let's go ahead and let's assume that in the near future, someone would say that the idea of ​​massive redwood planting is good, but somehow it would be necessary to improve their growth rate, not to wait another few thousand years.

What do you say about gmo sequoias enriched with the rapid growth gene? Scientists at Forest Scientists at Oregon State University are working on this solution. Their work focuses, however, on the programming of limited tree growth (this solution was created for the purpose of urban afforestation), but nothing stands in the way of slightly modifying this solution. Chinese scientists have managed to grow fast-growing poplars, which are able to grow by 1 meter up in just one month.

These are not the only studies on genetic modification of trees. Polish scientists are working on breeding transgenic plum, immune to a viral disease with a graceful gray egg name. Many studies also concern modified species for the paper industry.

So why not grow very fast redwoods that could help us fight global warming? It sounds a bit ridiculous, but the idea has quite a lot of sense. I also suspect that it would not be too expensive to implement. Especially if we compare it with the costs that will result in a further increase in the average temperature on our planet.

Clones of the largest sequoia in the world will help us get rid of excess CO2 from the atmosphere


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