The new 75-inch Xiaomi TV with 4K HDR - Mi TV 4S

Who follows the page on a regular basis knows that Xiaomi TVs are selling great. On both the Indian and Chinese markets, TVs with the Mi logo are most often chosen by consumers. Today, new products have been added to the citizens of China, the Mi-TV 4S TV was presented and is now available for sale at a very attractive price.

The new 75-inch Xiaomi TV with 4K HDR - Mi TV 4S

The new 75-inch Xiaomi TV with 4K HDR - Mi TV 4S

Xiaomi creates premium and budget products. The new TV definitely aspires to the premium class, but at the same time keeping a reasonable price. The back of the casing is made of metal. Mi TV 4S is a 64-bit, quad-core processor supported by 2 GB of RAM. In terms of connectivity, the new device supports dual band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Just like its predecessors, it supports the Patchwork system and the Xiaomi Ai voice assistant. Unfortunately, at this moment, the virtual helper only mastered the Chinese language. The TV displays 4K HDR images (resolution 3840 x 2160).

The new 75-inch Xiaomi TV with 4K HDR - Mi TV 4S The new 75-inch Xiaomi TV with 4K HDR - Mi TV 4S The new 75-inch Xiaomi TV with 4K HDR - Mi TV 4S

Xiaomi Mi TV 4S has been priced on the Chinese market at 7999 yuan, $ 1150 and this is a sensational price considering the diagonal of the screen and the offered image quality. I hope that in 2019 TVs with the Mi logo will leak to Europe, and among them will be the largest models, with a 75-inch monster at the forefront.

The article The new 75-inch Xiaomi TV with 4K HDR - Mi TV 4S comes from the website.


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