MAP OF THE DAY: Poland is a dead spot on the map of Europe

In Poland, the heating season has just begun, which means that we will emit a whole lot of poisonous substances to the atmosphere again. I have the impression that smog has become such a common phenomenon that we slowly cease to care about it. Wrongly.

According to research carried out at the University of Chicago, the current level of air pollution lowers our life expectancy by as much as 1.8 years. This is more than smoking cigarettes (1.6 years) or alcohol and drug abuse (only 11 months). And we are talking here about average values.

The Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) report, published by Chicago researchers, shows, for example, that air pollution in some areas of India is so high that people live an average of 11 years shorter than they would if they lived in a cleaner place. Scary.

Pollution in Poland - we have nothing to be ashamed of.

Fortunately, the situation in our country is not as dramatic as in India, but we have nothing to boast of. Just look at the following map of airborne contaminants:

Even the National Health Fund in last year's report indicated smog as the perpetrator of the growing number of deaths in our country. I am talking here, of course, about the heating season. At the turn of January and February 2017, the record concentration of PM10 fluids in the air coincided with ... a record number of deaths, 23.5% more. in relation to the data from 2016.

We are doing our best and without any major reflections.

In Poland, on average, between 45 and 48 thousand die each year. people. Currently, it is estimated that as much as 12 percent. this number is the deaths caused (or associated with) low air quality. The largest generator of Polish smog is the so-called the communal-living sector, or households.

According to the report of the Polish Smog Alert they are responsible for almost half of the total emission of particulate matter, the majority (85%) of PAH emissions and practically for the whole (nearly 100%) pollutants emitted to the atmosphere by smoking toxic substances (mainly from plastics - plastic rubbish , old tires, etc.). Therefore, on the list of European cities with the most polluted air, in the first thirty we can find as many as 15 Polish cities.

What will we do about it?

It would seem that the data presented above will encourage us to fundamentally change the law and approach. We have an anti-smog law, but in practice it might not be. Revised standard for boilers? Well, it is, but if someone would like to warm up a house with a lower class furnace than 5, it will not have the slightest problem with it .

The best summary of the whole situation is this year's report of the Supreme Audit Office , which can be briefly summarized as follows: we can not afford an increased fight against smog, and with the use of available solutions, we can enjoy (here and there) clean air for ... some 100 years. If we believe that we need it at all. After all, it used to be garbage and it was good.

MAP OF THE DAY: Poland is a dead spot on the map of Europe


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