Air freshener from the Deerma brand

One of the companies that often presents new products on the Youpin platform in recent weeks is Deerma. They already have many products on offer, and today they have been joined by an air freshener. He is currently at the financing stage, but in a few hours he has obtained 746% of the amount needed. 13 days remain until the end of the fundraiser.

Air freshener from the Deerma brand

Air freshener from the Deerma brand

The dimensions of the freshener are 198 mm x 62 mm x 65 mm, it is fixed to the wall with double-sided tape. The device draws a smell from the cartridge that we place inside. After switching on every 20 minutes, the air freshener will release the fragrance, just to refresh the surface from 8 to 10 square meters. Pressing the button will immediately release the fragrance and longer hold will turn off the device. Two AA batteries are needed for charging.

Unfortunately, Xiaomi blocked the possibility of downloading movies from the Youpin platform, if you want to see a movie presenting a new device you can do it directly on the Youpin website.

Air freshener from the Deerma brand has been priced in China for the amount of 59.9 yuan, $ 8.6. Shipping to the first people who supported the project will start on December 29.

Air freshener from the Deerma brand Air freshener from the Deerma brand Air freshener from the Deerma brand

The article Air freshener from the Deerma brand comes from the site .


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