20, 30 and 60 thousand zlotys. Here are the Polish prices of Samsung QLED 8K TVs

QLED 8K Polish prices

At the IFA 2018 in Berlin, Samsung showed new QLED 8K TVs. The new televisions have a staggering 8K resolution, which is four times greater than 4K and up to 16x from Full HD. Now we've got to know their Polish prices.

TV Samsung QLED 8K showed in the material Spider's Web TV and Marcin told about them:


The new QLED TVs provide 8K resolution, which is 7680 × 4320 pixels. This means that one frame of the image is over 33 megapixels. TV sets provide support for HDR 10+ and 100% coverage of the DCI-P3 color space. What's more, the maximum quality will reach (note!) 4,000 rivets, which sounds great.

What about 8K content?

In the era of fledgling 4K TV and the little-popular Ultra HD Blu-Ray media, it's hard to expect that the market will quickly implement the 8K standard. Samsung, however, does not care. The heart of the new TVs is the Quantum AI processor and it will take care of the material upscale . The processor uses artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning algorithms, so over time it should work better.

The processor, when increasing the resolution, will add texture to the image, remove noise and improve the edges of the elements. On the example materials at the Samsung stand, it looks great, but if it works in practice, they will show the tests.

Samsung QLED 8K - prices in Poland:

  • Samsung QLED 8K Q900R 65 ": PLN 20,000,
  • Samsung QLED 8K Q900R 75 ": PLN 30,000,
  • Samsung QLED 8K Q900R 85 ": 60,000 PLN.

TVs Q900R 65 "and Q900R 75" will be available for pre-sale TVs tomorrow. Deliveries will be carried out in December.

Model Q900R 85 "you will not order until December. Because you'll order, right?

20, 30 and 60 thousand zlotys. Here are the Polish prices of Samsung QLED 8K TVs


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